Thursday, September 29, 2011


We have been signing a little bit to Micah, mainly just more. Last week Micah made a major development. I was sitting with him while he was having a snack, he then pointed at the bag of crackers and did the sign for more! Now he does it all the time when he wants more food. It is cute because it is not quite right, but we know what he means, and he knows what he means. We are all enjoying this new found ability to communicate. Which has got us working on more signs with him.

In other Micah cuteness and developments. Two days ago he stood from sitting all by himself, no holding on to anything. Then squatted back down and back up to standing a few times. He was smiling and so proud of himself. Of course it helps that we were cheering for him.

Micah has become a butt up in the air tummy sleeper. Super cute!

Lastly, he hasn't really started to talk too much. There are a few times it seems he tries to say hat and hot but they both sound them same. One that is really cute is "uh-oh', he has "aa-aa-oh". And he has used it appropriately when he drops something. This is going to be very entertaining as he learns more words.


  1. Blake signs more too! I love it! Isn't so much fun when they start communicating with you?!

  2. Samantha started doing "more" also! It's so cute when they start trying to communicate. She still only says "dada".
