Monday, September 26, 2011

365 Final Edition

We made it 365 days! I only missed five or six days which I'm quite pleased with. Thanks for the help with deciding too. The unfortunate part is now realizing the cost of printing a book with all these pictures. Yikes!

Day 357Day 358Day 359Day 360Day 361Day 362Day 363....this day has a lot of pictures but they are all so cuteDay 364Day 365We have come along ways, one year can bring a lot of changes. It seems so long ago that Micah was this little. Yet the year went by very quickly. I'm sure many of you can relate. I am excited to see what this next year will bring.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. AMAZING!! I can't believe your discipline and awesome-ness! Love the pictures, and how special this will be for you down the road. You set the bar rather high!!!
