Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Craft Room: What I've Been Doing

Awhile back I was thinking I should cut back on crafting. Thinking I don't really have the time, nor really the space or even that much money to work with. But then I realized I am a creative being, I like to make things or at least plan to make things. So even though money is tight, and my time is limited I still find ways to be crafty. It is part of me, I will always have at least two or three projects I'm working on with a few more waiting in the wings.

With that said what have I been working on you may wonder. I will always be working on scrapbooking, currently I am trying to get 2009 finished before the end of this year. I have also been working on a seemingly never ending super secret project that is about to end. I can share pictures later once it has been given to who it is for. All I have to say is if you ever feel the urge to paint your own subway art. DON'T DO IT! Run, run very far away from that desire. But if you must, please do it on the computer and then have it printed. Of course The Farmer said I should have done it in Photoshop and then sent it to Costso it print on a canvas after I was half way done. Dang it. But I am happy that I have done it and it should be a wonderful gift.

But that is not all I have done. I have been working on a few things for Micah. First is this fabric pull toy, I have no genius name for it other then that. I might be able to create things with fabric and paper but with words, I don't think so.

All this is is an old wipe container with stripes of fabric knotted together that Micah then pulls out of the top. Might sounds boring but it helps with fine motor development and he actually has enjoyed playing with it a few times. He is also fond of open and closing the lid.

The next thing I have made for him is a body book. It is just pictures of different body parts of his that I labeled in Photoshop, then printed and laminated the pages. Helps with fine motor skills as he turns the page and the other obvious thing it teaches him is his body parts. Hmmm imagine that.

Lastly I also made him a family book, it is similar to the body book. The book as picture of all of Micah's immediate family members. He has enjoyed looking through this book.

1 comment:

  1. Meagan:
    Please bring those books to the birthday party so we can see them! Adorable!
