Wednesday, September 14, 2011

12 Months

How can my baby be one!? How does a year go by so quick!? This year has been a great one. A lot of transitions, a lot of learning, and a lot of laughing (at ourselves and Micah). I don't want to get sentimental in this post, as it easy to get with time gone by.

So, Micah at 12 months.

Activities: Loves playing with balls, trucks, tractors and his gator, do we have a boy? Haha. He likes to play with the spices and balls, he will be a good helper in the kitchen. He likes to open and close doors. Micah really loves playing with his cousins Abby and Emma, and will miss them a lot when they move. He enjoys being outside to see and hear new things. Micah loves exploring, inside or outside and when he sees something he wants to go after he is determined (even if he can't have it, he'll let you know).

Development: Crawling and cruising. He will walk holding hands or a push toy. He doesn't stand by himself much, still pretty dependent on holding on to something, could be more out of habit though. Something for me to work on. No clear words yet, but we can tell when he is trying to repeat us. He does understand many words. Things like more, no touching, upstairs, cat, tractor, mouth, clap, crazy Micah, "where's Micah", ball, spoon, and more just to name a few. He has learned on to get off the couch, but we are still working on how to go downstairs, going up is not problem. He enjoys feeding himself and I plan to stop feeding him baby food as soon as I am out. Still no teeth. I tried to start to wean Micah today, it didn't go well, but we will try again tomorrow. I plan to drop one feeding a week. I have enjoyed nursing and I am so glad to have made it to a year. But it will be nice to not be tied to a clock as much when I am able to get away without Micah.

I know there is more I could include here, but no need to just go on and on.

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