Thursday, September 15, 2011

First Birthday Party

On Labor Day we celebrated Micah's first birthday, that way more family could come. The decorations were up the food was finished. We were just waiting for this guy...

The cool birthday dude.

The weather was great, perhaps even a bit hot, but I won't complain. We had nothing fancy planned just watching him eat cake.

He start off excited.

He kept getting distracted by the balloons. He loved the balloons. It was the first thing he noticed when he came out. Look at his elbow though, covered in frosting. Haha.

We got both hands in making a mess.

The Farmer helped in get into it more, but still Micah hadn't actually put any of it in his mouth.

Micah started pushing all the cake off his tray. I guess he was done.

This was the close Micah got to eating the cake. He actually would spit it out when we tried to give him some. Crazy guy he doesn't like cake!

Now the cake is gone, on the ground or between his legs, or on his legs, or on his arms, or on his face, or on his belly, or in his hair....

We had a great time though and I was happy to have family come to celebrate Micah's first year. (Can a year really go by so quick?) We had cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents and great grandparents come.

Four generations here.

Four generations here too.

Our little family with our obstinate one year old son.

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