Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Year of Here

I have not updated on how I have been doing with my one little word this year. That could mean I have been doing great at living the word I chose for the year, which is here or the complete opposite and life has just been buzzing by without me even thinking about here. It has been a bit of both. Though my main reason in writing is to tell about a moment I had with Micah last week. I wish to record it to be sure as time ticks on it doesn't steal this memory from me.

It was the night before his birthday, he had bummed his head earlier (whacked is probably more accurate), plus he was more tired then usual, which means he wanted to cuddle more. As our bedtime routine goes, after The Farmer reads and prays with Micah I sing to him and lay him down. I had him in my arms, rocking and singing. Seeing how much more he wanted to snuggle in and how relaxed he was I continued to rocking and began to talk with him about his birthday the next day. With tears in my eyes, okay fine, with tears rolling down my cheeks I spoke to him of what a wonderful year we have had, what a gift and joy he is to us. As we rocked and I stroked his cheek I talked of the time gone by and the time ahead. I could have continued that night to hold him knowing these moments of having him in my arms are slipping away and coming to an end but he needed to sleep. I whispered to him "Sweet boy I love you", laid him down and closed the door telling myself remember, remember this moment.

1 comment:

  1. what a beautiful memory - thank you for sharing a private moment. I have tears in my eyes too. Joan
