Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Summer to Fall

When asked what is my favorite season I have a hard time answering. One, I'm not a "favorite" type of person of anything really. And two, there I things I love about every season. But I can say by the end of one season I am ready for the next, ready for a change. Yes, that means at the end of summer I am ready for some rain. Though this year summer seemed rather short. What are some things we will miss about summer you might wonder...

Golden rays falling on flowers.

Bare feet in grass.

Bursts of color all around.

Exploring the outdoors.

Sunny blue skies.

Long days....colorful and beautiful sunsets.

Fall seemed to have crept up on us suddenly.

One day on a walk I looked up and there it was.

It is showing up all around.

The colors of summer fading into the rich colors of fall.

Those first few welcomed leaves.

Now it is time to enjoy the warmth and beauty of the fall for the gift that it is. Which I do need to remind myself of. Often for me when fall approaches I get this feeling of time running out. Whether it is the realization that the year is nearing the end or that the fun and freedom of summer is over. Another year is slipping by, not this year, I am here, to enjoy this moment. Not the ones in the past or the ones in the future, but now.


  1. Meagan, you have some outstanding pictures! I see some future county fair entries... :-)

  2. Beautifil pictures, and poety!

  3. As always, love to read your blog and see the pictures. It makes me miss summer already - fall isn't my fave time of year - it portends cold, dark days. yuck.
