Thursday, September 29, 2011


We have been signing a little bit to Micah, mainly just more. Last week Micah made a major development. I was sitting with him while he was having a snack, he then pointed at the bag of crackers and did the sign for more! Now he does it all the time when he wants more food. It is cute because it is not quite right, but we know what he means, and he knows what he means. We are all enjoying this new found ability to communicate. Which has got us working on more signs with him.

In other Micah cuteness and developments. Two days ago he stood from sitting all by himself, no holding on to anything. Then squatted back down and back up to standing a few times. He was smiling and so proud of himself. Of course it helps that we were cheering for him.

Micah has become a butt up in the air tummy sleeper. Super cute!

Lastly, he hasn't really started to talk too much. There are a few times it seems he tries to say hat and hot but they both sound them same. One that is really cute is "uh-oh', he has "aa-aa-oh". And he has used it appropriately when he drops something. This is going to be very entertaining as he learns more words.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Craft Room: What I've Been Doing

Awhile back I was thinking I should cut back on crafting. Thinking I don't really have the time, nor really the space or even that much money to work with. But then I realized I am a creative being, I like to make things or at least plan to make things. So even though money is tight, and my time is limited I still find ways to be crafty. It is part of me, I will always have at least two or three projects I'm working on with a few more waiting in the wings.

With that said what have I been working on you may wonder. I will always be working on scrapbooking, currently I am trying to get 2009 finished before the end of this year. I have also been working on a seemingly never ending super secret project that is about to end. I can share pictures later once it has been given to who it is for. All I have to say is if you ever feel the urge to paint your own subway art. DON'T DO IT! Run, run very far away from that desire. But if you must, please do it on the computer and then have it printed. Of course The Farmer said I should have done it in Photoshop and then sent it to Costso it print on a canvas after I was half way done. Dang it. But I am happy that I have done it and it should be a wonderful gift.

But that is not all I have done. I have been working on a few things for Micah. First is this fabric pull toy, I have no genius name for it other then that. I might be able to create things with fabric and paper but with words, I don't think so.

All this is is an old wipe container with stripes of fabric knotted together that Micah then pulls out of the top. Might sounds boring but it helps with fine motor development and he actually has enjoyed playing with it a few times. He is also fond of open and closing the lid.

The next thing I have made for him is a body book. It is just pictures of different body parts of his that I labeled in Photoshop, then printed and laminated the pages. Helps with fine motor skills as he turns the page and the other obvious thing it teaches him is his body parts. Hmmm imagine that.

Lastly I also made him a family book, it is similar to the body book. The book as picture of all of Micah's immediate family members. He has enjoyed looking through this book.

Monday, September 26, 2011

365 Final Edition

We made it 365 days! I only missed five or six days which I'm quite pleased with. Thanks for the help with deciding too. The unfortunate part is now realizing the cost of printing a book with all these pictures. Yikes!

Day 357Day 358Day 359Day 360Day 361Day 362Day 363....this day has a lot of pictures but they are all so cuteDay 364Day 365We have come along ways, one year can bring a lot of changes. It seems so long ago that Micah was this little. Yet the year went by very quickly. I'm sure many of you can relate. I am excited to see what this next year will bring.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Year of Here

I have not updated on how I have been doing with my one little word this year. That could mean I have been doing great at living the word I chose for the year, which is here or the complete opposite and life has just been buzzing by without me even thinking about here. It has been a bit of both. Though my main reason in writing is to tell about a moment I had with Micah last week. I wish to record it to be sure as time ticks on it doesn't steal this memory from me.

It was the night before his birthday, he had bummed his head earlier (whacked is probably more accurate), plus he was more tired then usual, which means he wanted to cuddle more. As our bedtime routine goes, after The Farmer reads and prays with Micah I sing to him and lay him down. I had him in my arms, rocking and singing. Seeing how much more he wanted to snuggle in and how relaxed he was I continued to rocking and began to talk with him about his birthday the next day. With tears in my eyes, okay fine, with tears rolling down my cheeks I spoke to him of what a wonderful year we have had, what a gift and joy he is to us. As we rocked and I stroked his cheek I talked of the time gone by and the time ahead. I could have continued that night to hold him knowing these moments of having him in my arms are slipping away and coming to an end but he needed to sleep. I whispered to him "Sweet boy I love you", laid him down and closed the door telling myself remember, remember this moment.

Monday, September 19, 2011

God is Good

This is why we put our trust in God. He never fails us. Many times it is hard to see that in the midst of a crisis, or His works are not seen until looking back through the lens of time, often years. Still there have been times in our life that we can see God working and His power right away.

Last week I walked out with Micah and The Farmer to see what he had been doing with the trees. See the white trunks, he painted all the trees that way. The theory is it will reflect warmth from the sun in the winter and early spring so the trees don't come out of dormancy too early.

While out their I was curious about the trees that the deer had gotten to. The Farmer showed me new growth on some nearby trees and said all the trees that were hit have new growth! Which means all of them survived the attack of the deer. Now of course it is time for them to start shutting down for the winter. But I am so happy to know that so far they are all alive. God is good!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

First Birthday Party

On Labor Day we celebrated Micah's first birthday, that way more family could come. The decorations were up the food was finished. We were just waiting for this guy...

The cool birthday dude.

The weather was great, perhaps even a bit hot, but I won't complain. We had nothing fancy planned just watching him eat cake.

He start off excited.

He kept getting distracted by the balloons. He loved the balloons. It was the first thing he noticed when he came out. Look at his elbow though, covered in frosting. Haha.

We got both hands in making a mess.

The Farmer helped in get into it more, but still Micah hadn't actually put any of it in his mouth.

Micah started pushing all the cake off his tray. I guess he was done.

This was the close Micah got to eating the cake. He actually would spit it out when we tried to give him some. Crazy guy he doesn't like cake!

Now the cake is gone, on the ground or between his legs, or on his legs, or on his arms, or on his face, or on his belly, or in his hair....

We had a great time though and I was happy to have family come to celebrate Micah's first year. (Can a year really go by so quick?) We had cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents and great grandparents come.

Four generations here.

Four generations here too.

Our little family with our obstinate one year old son.