Friday, October 1, 2010


Here is a funny face from today. You will also notice in the picture a little hand poking out. Micah is quite good at squirming his way out of a swaddle. But what I'm mainly posting about is this little man tracked my face today. The day before he tracked C's face. I hadn't noticed him tracking anything yet or my face. But he did today! Can he really be growing and changing already?! It is fun to see him grow but I have a feeling it will happen all too fast.

Right now I'm enjoying this


  1. He is such a cutie Meagan! Yes, they do grow so fast! You will blink and he will be 4 months like my little guy is approaching and I can't believe it!

  2. He has such a serious look on his sleeping face! Too cute!

  3. And they change so much in those first few months! I sure miss those days when I could put Abigail down and she wouldn't move....enjoy it while it lasts! :) PS - Do you have the gloves for Micah to prevent scratching? They work wonders!
