Thursday, October 21, 2010


"Mom I don't want a dog, I need a dog."

Shortly after I uttered those words we made a trip to the humane society and picked out Mocha (named J.C. at the time). She was just six months old and full of energy. That was July 1996. Today October 21, 2010 we had to put Mocha down. She was in a lot of pain, not wanting to move, her back legs giving out on her. Even though I don't see her all the time now, knowing she is no longer here, no longer going to excitedly greet me the next time we go to Tigard is sad.

But she was a great dog. There are many memories and laughs she gave us. I am sure some frustrations for my parents too in her early puppy years. Think of the things she chewed, the plants she dug up, the accidents in the house. Hey Mom you can get new carpet. Or how she got the name houdini because she got out of the backyard so many times, some of which we could never figure out how. She was also a very smart dog. I remember being in high school and some nights when I was home alone she would spend the whole night on the landing watching outside and all our surroundings. She knew I was alone and needing the extra attentiveness.

I laugh thinking of her at the cabin, when she didn't really know she could swim. She watched Tanner jump in and she didn't go in herself so we threw her in and sure enough she swam. We couldn't keep her out of the water after that. One time she swam what seemed like half way to the island chasing ducks. When she finally did turn around her head was barely above water once she made it back. I feel I could go on thinking of more memories we have had with Mocha.

She will be missed.


  1. She will be missed by so many!!! I love how you could look in her eyes and see all her expressions and how she was feeling. She truly was a part of the family and a "person". I believe that all dogs go to heaven....we will see her soon :)

  2. So sorry Meagan, she sounds like a wonderful dog that will be greatly missed by her family.
