Tuesday, October 19, 2010


There is a project/challenge the floats around the scrapbooking and photography world. It is usually know as 365. I decided to embark on this for Micah. What it entails is a picture a day for a year, 365 days. I have never seen anyone successfully complete this project. So I figure I will not put too much pressure on myself, I will just do the best I can. If I miss a day I won't worry nor stop the project. The point is to capture life, Micah's life as he grows and changes throughout the next year. I haven't told anyone other then C that I am doing this. But with more people knowing, that will keep me more motivated and committed.

So far we are at day 36. I will get those pictures up over the next few posts. I do need help though, there are many days I have multiple photos for. They are just too cute or capturing different things of that particular day. So I will need help in picking the "one" for the day. Well I guess we can start with the first day.

Day 1
Which one?? I have my opinion about each, but I won't say. I want to hear what you all think without my view.


  1. My vote is for the first one. Not only does it show his birth weight but also shows us that 'newborn' look.

    Though I do love the big yawn but my vote is still for the first picture.

  2. I love the big yawns. So cute.

  3. #2!!!! (even though #1 is still cute!) I have an old co-worker that did this for her son....she's up to 554 days now! She even had a "Happy 500 days old" party for her son :) Great idea!

  4. Love this idea. My mom knew someone who took 1 picture a day for the first year and made an album out of it.

    My vote is for #2, but they are both really cute!

  5. #1 It since it shows the whole Micah right after being born along with his weight. The yawn is sure cute though!
