Tuesday, September 28, 2010

2 Weeks

I can't believe Micah is two weeks already. It is true that time does go fast. We are trying to treasure these times and this life God has blessed us with.

Only two weeks old and he looks different.

Day 1

Day 14

Life is much different with a baby. He has given us many good laughs, much of which revolve around diaper changing. Despite C giving Micah the cease fire signal before removing his diaper C has probably been peed on more then me. I guess Micah hasn't learned that signal...yet.

It is amazing how little I get done in the day, other then taking care of Micah. Lunch time will roll around and all we have done is eat, got dressed, gone through many diaper changes and well that usually is about it. So much for the to-do list.

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes! I remember those days like they were....just 8 months ago! Keep up the hard work and toss that to-do list out the nearest window. There is no sense is keeping a to-do list because you aren't gonna to-do any of it! Actually, I take that back. I made a list, that usually had 2 things on it: shower/eat, and write a few thank you notes. :) Sounds like you are doing well though, glad to see pictures of that little guy.
