Friday, February 1, 2013

Sibling Love

It has been great lately seeing Micah and Jane together. Jane keeps her eye on Micah as he darts by and Micah loves helping with Jane. It wasn't always this way. It was about a month after Jane was born Micah realized that she was here to stay and that his world had completely changed. His behavior was horrible, he wouldn't listen to anyone, and he whined terribly.

Now he gets her toys, will get the swaddle for her, he cheers (very loudly) when she rolls over, he will read to her, hug and kiss her, if she has a little spit up come out and runs and gets the burp cloth and wipes her face, and he will also comment that when she starts to fuss that she is getting tired.

Here is a sweet moment that we luckily caught on video. Jane is wrapped up and getting to fall asleep and Micah had just been reading to her. The part of the video you will want to see is toward the end, in case you can't hear what Micah is saying, he is tell Jane that he loves her. Melted my Mama heart.
M saying I love you to J from Meagan Rice on Vimeo.


  1. that is so touching! Micah's sweet words of love are precious - so glad you got it on tape.

    Sweet Micah and Jane.
    Aunt Joan

  2. Melted this Nana's heart as well. How precious. And you got it on tape - good job! Something to cherish.
