Friday, February 22, 2013

Toddler Talk

Micah's language development is coming along quite well. It seems nearly everyday he is saying something I have not heard him say before. It is fun to hear him putting words together to make his own sentences as opposed to repeating phrases he has heard us say. With a toddler's vocabulary there are many funny pronunciations. Here are a few that are funny, of course this helps me remember them too, as some of them have changed already.

Mimea, has now become Mitah = Micah
Dame has now become Jame = Jane
Dirthday = birthday

Tone = phone
Poon = spoon
Tork = fork

Hold you = when Micah wants to be held or carried
Lemon juice = lemonade
Tood = food
Teet = feet
Buyper = diaper
Helitoter = helicopter
Tup = cup
Whas sis = what's this
Voice song = this song is I love You Lord, it is the only song the past few months that Micah has wanted sung to him at bedtime

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