Thursday, February 28, 2013

Field Burning

I have been writing about the kids a lot lately, of course that is the most interesting. But you might wonder what else has been going on around here. Well The Farmer has be anxious to get one of the pastures burned and the weather finally cooperated about two weeks ago (someday I will blog about something right after it happens, someday). Here is a little Q and A with The Farmer on a job he thoroughly enjoyed doing. I guess it is the old fire fighter coming out in him.

Q: Farmer why are you burning the field?

A:Well you see the nutrients are locked up in the plants. By burning you release those nutrients back into the soil making for a healthier pasture.

Q: Are you not worried about it spreading somewhere you don't want it to go? Like the other pasture, or to the cherry trees, or the fence...?

A: No, notice the snow over there. So it wont burn that way. This field wasn't watered last summer, so it had dry grass all over it. That pasture over there was used last year and notice how it's still kinda green. Fire has to be really hot to burn green grass. So it wont burn that way. Look up the hill at the fence. On the other side is green grass aswell. So it wont burn that way. Over there is the road. So it wont burn that way. And finally down here is the creek. Last I checked fire doesn't consume water. So it wont burn this way either. Guess that means it will only burn the field we want it too.

Q: How do you burn the field then?

A: What you do is go around the perimeter of the field putting fire to the grass and then it burns in on its self.

Now you know about field burning, and I'm sure you feel so much more knowledgeable. 

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