Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Beautiful You

The other day this song came on our pandora station called More Beautiful You. The main lyric of the chorus really struck me now having Jane. Much like the title it says, "there could never be a more beautiful you", it goes on to say, "you were made to fill a purpose that only you could do. So there could never be a more beautiful you". Raising a daughter in a time and a society that puts a large amount of pressure to look perfect made those words really impactful to me. The definition of that perfect is ridiculously unattainable. Yet so many girls and woman become consumed by trying to achieve that perfections. I pray that I will be able to show and prove to Jane, as well as Micah, that they are perfect in their looks and personality just as they are. That God made them exactly as He wanted and needed them to be for the plan He has for their lives.

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