Thursday, June 7, 2012


Recently we headed out to explore around the area we live. I guess it is not much exploring for The Farmer since he lived here since he was 11 but he still enjoys getting out. We drove up to the top of Bald Butte, steepest road I think I've driven on. We were definitely getting some looks from hikes on their way down.

As soon as we got out of the car Micah says "dirt!" immediately followed by "rock!", this boy loves rocks. He began to pick up and throw the ones he could and after I showed him how he could sit on larger rocks he wanted to sit on every rock that he past.

What a sweet moment between father and son.

It was fun to get out with just the three of us. I look forward to more outings like this throughout the summer.


  1. Beautiful views. Perhaps this summer you can show me this same trip. But, I'm curious as to where it is. Is is east or west or what from Parkdale?
