Thursday, May 31, 2012


Micah has become quite the talker. He has reached the stage where he will repeat anything and everything. He is very eager to say new words. I can have him repeat each word after me to make a short three or four word sentence. Though there are still many times I have no idea what he is saying. Of course he does and luckily he hasn't gotten frustrated yet that I don't know. Usually I can just have him show me what he is talking about. I am glad his language and understanding is developing I think it will help a lot in four months when his sister arrives. Here are a couple videos of some of his cute words. There are so many more since I took these videos. Like now when he says bye he really emphasizes the b. When he says night it is pretty cute too, he likes to say it really loud. Maybe I need to do another video. This last one is a song we sing.The lyrics are Ho-ho-ho hosana, ha-ha-ha haleluiah, he-he-he he saved, I've got the joy of the Lord. He gets the ho-ho-ho, ha-ha-ha, and he-he-he usually really well and will also start to say the next words before I get to them. We were a little distracted by food this time. :)

1 comment:

  1. These are adorable! Love that he's talking. I need to get up to see you soon. Aunt J.
