Thursday, May 17, 2012

20 Weeks


Half way!! Can't believe we are at that point already. Of course the most awkward and uncomfortable parts for me is still yet to come. At my doctor appointment last week things were looking as they should be, I was measuring at 19cm and I've gained about 13 pounds so far. I hadn't really felt the baby move yet. I had been feeling some things but it wasn't the type of feeling or movement I was expecting so I assumed it wasn't the baby. I was expecting to be feeling small flutters. Turns out this baby is a big mover. During the ultrasound I was seeing the baby move and realizing that those movements had actually been the baby. So I have been feeling the baby for weeks. And the biggest news is we also found out we are having a girl!!! Woohoo let the crafting begin. (Actually I just finished her first hat). After the appointment we had to go and buy a pink outfit. Isn't it cute!?!

I liked the comparison picture I put up last time so here is me at 20 weeks now and 21 weeks with Micah. I definitely am carrying differently already. I think this time I'm "sticking" out much more. Oh and the belly button is starting to pop. I have also made the transition to maternity clothes for the good and bad.

1 comment:

  1. You look beautiful! So excited that you are having a little girl!
