Monday, May 21, 2012

Micah and I

Micah right now is really enjoying having someone play with him. He will come over grab your hand and pull you over to where he wants you. This evening we were sitting together first playing with this toy I made from an old puff container and pipe cleaners. Great for his fine motor development. Look at his concentration trying to get it into the holes punched in the lid.

Then we picked up this crocheted monster I made for his birthday. (no I don't make that many toys for him, who has that kind of time). He thought is was funny "clapping" the hands together.

These pictures are from a few weeks ago, but look at the my belly! There really is a baby growing, and if you could see me now you would definitely know. With another baby on the way it makes me treasure this time I get to sit and play with Micah. It has been him and me  for over a year and half and within months it will no longer be that way. I'm never good with big changes like this. I know it will be great and Micah will love having a sister. But how different it is going to be for all of us. Again I know it is going to a wonderful different and over time I will have a hard time remembering what it was like without this little lady. Before that time I will soak up these days with just Micah and me.

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