Friday, May 25, 2012

Planting 2012


Back about two weeks ago we had a group of friends, family and hired guys help us plant the last bit of this years trees. I say bit but it was over 700 trees. We are so very appreciative of everyone that came and helped. With everyone it took about 4 hours to get them in the ground! Woohoo!! Micah had a great time being outside and getting dirty.



It took quite a lot of work to get everything ready for planting. I saw a commercial that was showing guys working out in the country and then the narrator says "out here 9 to 5 is 5 to 9", that was so try for The Farmer as he was punching all the holes, setting up string lines, mowing the grass, getting the trees soaking in kelp grow, and many other tasks so the crew could just get straight to planting.

This group of trees came from two different nurseries. One of them we are definitely not impressed with in comparison. Look at the difference between these two. With the larger one it is quite possible that we could get a crop a year earlier. We certainly won't be ordering from the other nursery again.

What really excited Micah was a fly over we got by Uncle Mike. Micah just kept saying "a-pain" (airplane) over and over. And of course he enjoyed playing in the dirt.

Totally unrelated but still cute. Micah is just like his Dad in that he does not like things too loud. So now this is what he does when he thinks something is loud.

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