Monday, June 18, 2012


One day I will post the event closer to the actual time that it happened. That day is not here so a few weeks ago we spent a couple days at Seaside with some family. Micah LOVED the beach/ocean. I should record the way he says ocean, it is so cute.

He enjoyed playing with his cousins as he usual does.

Micah found it a lot of fun to run from the waves. But he did not like it when he didn't get away and got his feet wet.

He even got to fly a kite.

We also got to take him on the carousel, which he was quite serious about the whole time. 

I really enjoyed spending time with Micah at the beach. It was fun to see him get so excited about experiencing something new for him. He was so curious about it all and very interested in exploring. It makes me look forward to all the new things for Micah that I get to show him and enjoy with him.

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