Thursday, June 21, 2012

25 Weeks

Week 25, we are moving quite along. I might be 25 weeks but I bend over and waddle around like I'm 30 weeks along. This could be a long summer.

I had a check up last week and I am measuring big so far. Typically you measure the same number in centimeters as you are weeks, so I should have measured at 24cm. Well I was 26cm. Which two centimeters doesn't seem like a lot but looking at the pictures I am most definitely bigger. Whether that means this little lady is going to be bigger or I'm just doing growing earlier we will wait and see. I have gained about 18 pounds which last time at 25 weeks I had gained 13 pounds. Yikes that is quite a bit more. Oh well I don't feel pudgy.

This little lady moves around quite a bit, more the Micah I think. There have been times she moves my tummy. And it seems she has found my bladder to be a good punching/kicking bag. Not looking forward to that as she gets bigger. A bathroom must never be too far a way. Over all I feel pretty good, just tired. So far with these two pregnancies I have been pretty blessed to have minimal symptoms. Hopefully it will stay that way.

Here is the comparison photo, left is Micah, right is the little lady.

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