Sunday, May 30, 2010

Our Boy

Yes these pictures are a few weeks old, and yes I already put them on facebook. But I can't help it. I just think he is too cute. Why wouldn't I?

I will restrain from putting the rest up. :) I'm now about two weeks farther along, but at the time based on his measurements he was 1 lb. 4 oz. His head and chest were measured, I don't remember what they were, but the were good. If we didn't want to find out if the baby was a boy or girl, we would have. The first imagine was of, well you know, and the funniest part was he was peeing too!! Bahaha! Having a boy is definitely going to be a whole new experience for me. Obviously, this is ALL going to be a whole new experience. But I have no idea what to do with boys. I guess I will learn, and quick.


  1. Love the pictures! Those are great images! And boys? Just gotta be quick with the diaper! :) Boys are the best!

  2. Ooooh lucky you, you got one of the 3-D ultrasounds! Love the pictures, he looks great!

  3. He is so cute already!!! Love it! Give a boy some dirt and a toy with wheels and they're happy :)

  4. Or give him a sand box. Even you loved the sand box as a toddler....something to dig in and get dirty with.

  5. Wait....I have to make another comment, cuz I can, cuz I'm the grandmother and cuz I just think my grandson is just so darn cute. In fact, when I first saw these pictures I was crying and realized that I already love that boy so much.
