Friday, May 7, 2010


Since it has been almost seven months since I have cooked on a regular basis. I figured I should do some pretty serious meal planning. I usually do rough meal planning based on what's on sale and what we have in the pantry. But with C coming home and ready for some home cooking I decided to plan a number of meals that I know he likes and new ones I am sure he will. Plus then I won't have to think about it too much when we are trying to get settled back at home. Another plus I will already have a shopping list prepared. So far what I have is...

Chicken spaghetti and broccoli with garlic and lemon

Comfort meatballs, twice baked potatoes and salad

Garlic marinated chicken with grilled potatoes and asparagus

Sloppy joes, oven fries and salad

Stir-fry in sweet and sour sauce


Beef stroganoff with glazed carrots

Chicken piccata, roasted red potatoes with garlic and rosemary, and salad

What do you think? Any other ideas? Having these planned doesn't necessary mean there won't be other things mixed in there. I just like knowing I have what I need to make certain meals. I am sure there will be some desserts in there too. :) Most likely ice cream, I'm sure C has missed Breyers mint chocolate chip. do I hold a knife again??


  1. I am sure you will have plenty of dessert ideas. That is kind of a fun thing to plan...reunion food! Happy travels!

  2. What about salmon grilled on the BBQ or perahps marinated flank steak? So happy that you are this close to being back together. It makes this mama very, very happy to see her daughter back in the arms of her husband.

  3. Is that Pioneer Woman's comfort meatballs? Fred Meyer has a great sale on Breyer's ice cream - they are $2 each, and if you buy 4 then it will spit out a $4 coupon good for your next visit.
