Monday, May 31, 2010

Signs That He is Home

Driving us home. I had been really looking forward to this. I don't mind driving, but I don't love driving. With C home it means I don't have to drive. I enjoy looking around much more as we go down the road.

He had two bags FULL. One of them I could barely even move. Made me really glad we didn't have to pay for luggage at the airport because it was well over 50 pounds.

Projects, projects, projects! Let me see if I can remember everything C has done so far since being home. Installed a dimmer switch for the dinner room, moved our closet light switch, added more shelves to our closet, installed a new (to us) dishwasher, organized and cleaned the garage, thatched the lawn, cleaned and painted a new engine for the cruiser (long story but we will be selling it now), got one coat of stain on the deck (thanks to the weather haven't been able to do more), took out the shower doors in the guest bath (much easier for bathing baby), installed a new wireless router, set up a network for our computers, and I'm sure if I asked him there would be more, I know he was out running some errands for various things as well.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Our Boy

Yes these pictures are a few weeks old, and yes I already put them on facebook. But I can't help it. I just think he is too cute. Why wouldn't I?

I will restrain from putting the rest up. :) I'm now about two weeks farther along, but at the time based on his measurements he was 1 lb. 4 oz. His head and chest were measured, I don't remember what they were, but the were good. If we didn't want to find out if the baby was a boy or girl, we would have. The first imagine was of, well you know, and the funniest part was he was peeing too!! Bahaha! Having a boy is definitely going to be a whole new experience for me. Obviously, this is ALL going to be a whole new experience. But I have no idea what to do with boys. I guess I will learn, and quick.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Looking Back

After nearly seven months C is finally home! It is hard to believe he is here to stay. We have certainly experienced and learned quite a bit over this time. When I look back, those first weeks seem so long ago. I can see the many ways God helped me through the tough times. You can only prepare so much for your spouse to be gone, there are just some things you can never be fully ready for.

I was so lonely at the beginning and not knowing how I was going to make it through this time. I remember the first Thursday that C was gone looking at the clock, 6:40am, and how overpowered I was with sadness, how much I missed him, and thinking how long we still had to go. Through this time there were many verses that were an encouragement to me, "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discourage, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9). "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5-6). With my own understanding, life and being apart became almost overwhelming unbearable. It is through Him that I get strength (Philippians 4:13), for His power is made perfect in my weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9), that enabled me to get through this time.

There were two distinct times I remember those first couple weeks where I was really struggling and I unexpectedly received a call from C (one at 4am). It was like God was saying to me "I know you hurt, I know you are sad and struggling. I love you, care for you, and will provide for your every need." After that first unexpected call, I felt I was over the hump. I was still sad and lonely and knew there were still going to be hard times ahead. But my emotions were not quite as raw and uncontrollable.

I am so thankful with my job I was able to move around and stay with family. As nice as it was to be home, after awhile it would get quite lonely. Being able to stay with family certainly made the time easier. For whatever reason Sundays by myself always seemed to be the hardest. I had to focus on and find the ways for me to be joyful through this season. It is not easy, nor do I think I really figured it out, but focusing on this verse helped, "When I said, "My foot is slipping." Your love, O Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul." (Psalm 94:17-19).

There are reasons we go through certain chapters, and season in our lives, some not always what we would choose for ourselves. Though whatever we go through there is something to learn, and we did learn a lot during this time. But I am thankful that this chapter is done. We are not commanded to be thankful for everything, but we are expected to give thanks in everything. I might not be thankful for the hard times we had while apart, but I do give thanks to God for the ways He saw us through and for what He taught us.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Since it has been almost seven months since I have cooked on a regular basis. I figured I should do some pretty serious meal planning. I usually do rough meal planning based on what's on sale and what we have in the pantry. But with C coming home and ready for some home cooking I decided to plan a number of meals that I know he likes and new ones I am sure he will. Plus then I won't have to think about it too much when we are trying to get settled back at home. Another plus I will already have a shopping list prepared. So far what I have is...

Chicken spaghetti and broccoli with garlic and lemon

Comfort meatballs, twice baked potatoes and salad

Garlic marinated chicken with grilled potatoes and asparagus

Sloppy joes, oven fries and salad

Stir-fry in sweet and sour sauce


Beef stroganoff with glazed carrots

Chicken piccata, roasted red potatoes with garlic and rosemary, and salad

What do you think? Any other ideas? Having these planned doesn't necessary mean there won't be other things mixed in there. I just like knowing I have what I need to make certain meals. I am sure there will be some desserts in there too. :) Most likely ice cream, I'm sure C has missed Breyers mint chocolate chip. do I hold a knife again??

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Better Pictures

Well hopefully these pictures look like I am more pregnant then the ones from last week. I think they do. I am certainly feeling more pregnant, the belly is getting big enough to know without a doubt that it is a baby in there. Two weeks until we know if it is a boy or girl. Not knowing has so far been a good thing, I haven't bought as much. hehe. I was at the mall on Sunday and I had the first stranger notice and comment about my belly. She asked I was doing, then paused and asked how we were both doing. It made me smile. So I wonder when I'm traveling to Texas how many times I will be saying I'm due September 11th, and how many times I will be saying I don't mind. 9 days until I'm there!