Tuesday, April 27, 2010

20 weeks

I think I am going to be surprised how far along I am every time, I can't believe I'm at 20 weeks now. Half way already! It is strange to look down and see a belly sticking out and know it is because of a baby (not a few extra pounds). Crazy as well to start seeing more physical signs that I am pregnant and soon will have a person fully dependent on me. Yikes!
At my last doctor's appointment before I left Bend the doctor and I were listening to the heart rate, and then there were a few other noises coming through too. The doctor explained that we were hearing the baby more. I was amazed! Amazed that I have a child moving in me and amazed that they are moving around that much and I can't feel it. But, I have now started to feel the baby move! It is pretty neat and weird. Sometimes I'm not sure if it is the baby or just digestion but I assuming if I think it is the baby then it probably is.
I am starting to get anxious to find out if we are having a boy or girl. Then I will feel like I can really start preparing for the baby. Plus C will be here and then we can start planning and preparing together. Oh that will be so great!


  1. I know in person you definitely look pregnant....but this pic makes it look like you are just arching your back :)
