Friday, April 16, 2010


When you think of something being your last are you one to get excited or sorrowful? I suppose it all depends on what the last is. Although sometimes it can both be exciting and sad, it is bittersweet. Like graduating college, it was a very happy time, but almost sad too thinking about the end of such a great chapter in life.
There is no doubt that the lasts I'm experiencing now are great and very exciting. When I came back to Bend last month it was my last time driving home without C. Sunday was my last time going to our church by myself. I had my last prenatal doctors appointment without C. I leave Bend tomorrow for the last time without C. The last time packing up my "office", last time making sure the house is ready for me to leave for a few weeks, the last time pulling away without C. And tonight I crawl into our bed for the last time alone. These are the kind of lasts I love.


  1. Those are all wonderful "lasts". And, is that picture of the lily above the one we gave you for Easter? Sure looks like it. See you in a week. Have a wonderful time with Aunt Margie, Aunt Laura and Uncle Don.

  2. Yes it is the lily you got me, I set it by our door to get good lighting for the picture
