Sunday, April 11, 2010

I'm Ready

There are times when it is nice, and even refreshing to be alone. Today is not one of those times. It is amazing how lonely you can feel even when surrounded by people. I was at church today all around people, yet very much alone. As I write these thoughts I'm at a coffee shop, also around people and still feeling alone.

I usually enjoy sitting at a coffee shop observing people and getting a glimpse into their lives. But now all I see is people together and I long to have someone sitting next to me. Not necessarily to talk with, just to be with. I'm ready for that person to be C. I know I'm lucky compared to other families with loved ones deployed. I don't have the the fear of the danger that C is facing. But whether on the other side of the world or the other side of the country, they are still gone. They are still missing from life and you are still alone. I'm ready for this to be over, to not experience this loneliness anymore. I'm ready for my soldier, my love to be home.


  1. Meine Schwester! I am so sorry! I wish I could be in Bend right now with you! These last few weeks must seem so long! Love you tons and I will call you tomorrow!!!

  2. Oh, my precious daughter. How I long to be sitting there by your side at the coffee shop. To be with you and to comfort you. We would talk, or not talk.....we would just be a companion for each other. My heart aches for you. Praying, praying, praying.
