Thursday, February 28, 2013

Field Burning

I have been writing about the kids a lot lately, of course that is the most interesting. But you might wonder what else has been going on around here. Well The Farmer has be anxious to get one of the pastures burned and the weather finally cooperated about two weeks ago (someday I will blog about something right after it happens, someday). Here is a little Q and A with The Farmer on a job he thoroughly enjoyed doing. I guess it is the old fire fighter coming out in him.

Q: Farmer why are you burning the field?

A:Well you see the nutrients are locked up in the plants. By burning you release those nutrients back into the soil making for a healthier pasture.

Q: Are you not worried about it spreading somewhere you don't want it to go? Like the other pasture, or to the cherry trees, or the fence...?

A: No, notice the snow over there. So it wont burn that way. This field wasn't watered last summer, so it had dry grass all over it. That pasture over there was used last year and notice how it's still kinda green. Fire has to be really hot to burn green grass. So it wont burn that way. Look up the hill at the fence. On the other side is green grass aswell. So it wont burn that way. Over there is the road. So it wont burn that way. And finally down here is the creek. Last I checked fire doesn't consume water. So it wont burn this way either. Guess that means it will only burn the field we want it too.

Q: How do you burn the field then?

A: What you do is go around the perimeter of the field putting fire to the grass and then it burns in on its self.

Now you know about field burning, and I'm sure you feel so much more knowledgeable. 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Toddler Talk

Micah's language development is coming along quite well. It seems nearly everyday he is saying something I have not heard him say before. It is fun to hear him putting words together to make his own sentences as opposed to repeating phrases he has heard us say. With a toddler's vocabulary there are many funny pronunciations. Here are a few that are funny, of course this helps me remember them too, as some of them have changed already.

Mimea, has now become Mitah = Micah
Dame has now become Jame = Jane
Dirthday = birthday

Tone = phone
Poon = spoon
Tork = fork

Hold you = when Micah wants to be held or carried
Lemon juice = lemonade
Tood = food
Teet = feet
Buyper = diaper
Helitoter = helicopter
Tup = cup
Whas sis = what's this
Voice song = this song is I love You Lord, it is the only song the past few months that Micah has wanted sung to him at bedtime

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

4 Months

A little late on this post but Jane is now four months old. These months are going by quick. Jane seems especially big now that we are around two newborns. It is amazing how quickly they grow in the first few months. Not too much has changed since last month. Jane is staying awake longer, about two hours in between naps and there have been a few days she has skipped her 5:00 nap. We get a lot of smiles, but not too many laughs. She does find it entertaining when I play with her feet, putting them up to her face. But she a talker, she coos quite a bit. She has gotten really close to rolling from back to tummy (she did figure it out on Sunday so technically it goes in her 5 month update). On Sunday she also started to grab at her feet. She is very strong, it certainly seems like she will be an earlier sitter and mover. We haven't had her check-up so I'm not sure what she weighs but at the end of January she was 13lbs. 10oz. Jane loves her fingers, they are constantly in her month, many times she will prefer her fingers over toys. She is a Mama's girl, she prefers me over everyone. Micah was not this way, he was able to be consoled be both of us. But there are times when Jane is only consoled by me, not even The Farmer can help. I treasure these times of holding my babies knowing that is passes so quickly.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Beautiful You

The other day this song came on our pandora station called More Beautiful You. The main lyric of the chorus really struck me now having Jane. Much like the title it says, "there could never be a more beautiful you", it goes on to say, "you were made to fill a purpose that only you could do. So there could never be a more beautiful you". Raising a daughter in a time and a society that puts a large amount of pressure to look perfect made those words really impactful to me. The definition of that perfect is ridiculously unattainable. Yet so many girls and woman become consumed by trying to achieve that perfections. I pray that I will be able to show and prove to Jane, as well as Micah, that they are perfect in their looks and personality just as they are. That God made them exactly as He wanted and needed them to be for the plan He has for their lives.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Miss Jane

Without posting Jane's 365 pictures and life more busy with two kids I feel like you haven't seen and gotten to know Jane in the way it was with Micah. So in attempt to fix that here are a few pictures from last month of our sweet baby Jane. Enjoy :)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Sibling Love

It has been great lately seeing Micah and Jane together. Jane keeps her eye on Micah as he darts by and Micah loves helping with Jane. It wasn't always this way. It was about a month after Jane was born Micah realized that she was here to stay and that his world had completely changed. His behavior was horrible, he wouldn't listen to anyone, and he whined terribly.

Now he gets her toys, will get the swaddle for her, he cheers (very loudly) when she rolls over, he will read to her, hug and kiss her, if she has a little spit up come out and runs and gets the burp cloth and wipes her face, and he will also comment that when she starts to fuss that she is getting tired.

Here is a sweet moment that we luckily caught on video. Jane is wrapped up and getting to fall asleep and Micah had just been reading to her. The part of the video you will want to see is toward the end, in case you can't hear what Micah is saying, he is tell Jane that he loves her. Melted my Mama heart.
M saying I love you to J from Meagan Rice on Vimeo.