Tuesday, September 18, 2012


We haven't exactly been tourist, just making more of an effort to get our and enjoy the area around us in the last couple weeks

First off we made a quick trip up to Cloud Cap Inn. It took longer to get up there then The Farmer remembered so we didn't stay up there too long due to lunch/nap time.

Not a bad view out the front door.

One morning we took a spur of the moment trip to the Mosier Tunnels. This was the first time I had ever seen them. They are pretty cool and impressive with how old they are.

Our next adventure was camping. We really wanted to get out camping this summer so Micah could have his first experience. The Farmer went out earlier to find a spot and set up the tent. He found a spot about 15 minutes from home just in case things didn't go well for Micah and for me 35 weeks pregnant.

 Nobody likes smoke in their face.

 Keeping warm in the morning.

 Micah is helping Papa pack up the tent.

The Farmer and I took a day and one night away just the two of us. Most likely the last time before this little lady arrives. We started out by heading to Timberline Lodge. I couldn't remember the last time that I had been. Luckily when we arrived a Forest Service volunteer had just started a tour. It was very interesting!

 I want to remember to get pictures of just the two of us even as the years get busier.

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