Saturday, September 8, 2012

36 Weeks

Less then a month to go. Wow! We are getting very close to having our second child. I am excited and apprehensive at the same time. Excited to meet her and apprehensive knowing the work and sleep I will lose.

I am certainly feeling like my growth has slowed down a bit. Which is okay because I still feel huge and it is still hard to get up from sitting and get out of bed. I had a doctor appointment earlier this week and I have gained about 26 pounds (with Micah I was at 28) and I measured at 34cm (typically it would be around 36). The doctor wasn't concerned because some of it could be who is doing the measuring. The past few appointments I have been seeing the other doctors in the office in case they are the ones to deliver, so we will see next week when I am back with my doctor.

The little lady is moving around. It seems she is in a similar position Micah was, head down on her side with her legs toward my left. She has had hiccups a couple times which is always funny. Her movements do seem to have slowed down as her space is getting smaller. Braxton Hicks contractions have started up, sometimes has many as three in an hour. Which is not a concern, if I get more around five an hour and they cause me to have to stop what I am doing then we might need to call the doctor. So now it is just finishing up a few details and waiting for her arrival.

Micah week 35, now, Micah week 37

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