Thursday, September 20, 2012

38 Weeks

Phew! Now at 38 weeks I am really feeling it. I have been walking with a friend a couple times a week and it is getting slower and harder. Hopefully she doesn't mind. But even just moving around about my day is hard. I feel bad for the lack of energy and ability to move and play with Micah now. I have to keep remembering that I will be back to "normal" soon. And soon is, well, coming soon. Two weeks from the due date! (less then that now) I can't believe we have reached this point already!! Ready or not she is coming. Though there are many things I still would like to get done I am excited to meet our little girl.

I was thinking the other night about being prepared. I don't think there is ever a way to fully be prepared for a baby. But I question should I even been? Where would my moment by moment, day by day need for the Lord be then? He is the one who prepares me and equips me. I can try with all my humanly effort to get ready to welcome a new life to this world, though I will not succeed, I will still stumble in many ways when she is here. The way to be prepared then would be ready to trust and lean on God for the strength, wisdom and endurance needed. I pray that I will ready in that way when He chooses to to bring our daughter into the world.

As for the doctor report, everything looks good. Blood pressure is great, baby's heart rate is where it should be, I measured at 39cm and I have gained about 30 pounds. I am definitely feeling those 30 pounds in my hips and back. Below is the comparison to 38 weeks with Micah.

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