Saturday, June 30, 2012

Laughing Boy


This boy is so much fun. There are times I can't help but say how cute he is or how funny he is. Of course there are times when he is grumpy.

On this day he was in a particularly fun mood. First he was talking on the phone or "tone" as he says. But he didn't want me to take his picture. So he would turn and look at me laugh and quickly turn back around.

The game then turned into him hiding from me. I got these few shots from peeking around the corner. Can't you just hear his laugh?

After that I got a couple "normal" pictures. (Yes he needs a haircut). What a cut boy! I can't get enough of this smiling face.


Then he started to reach for the camera. Not sure if he was trying to get the camera or for if he was trying to get me to not take his picture. Either way it was a fun game that got us both laughing pretty good.

Lots of pictures I know but how could I not. :) There are so many smiles and laughs with this boy. I am thankful he is apart of our lives and cherish these days with him.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

25 Weeks

Week 25, we are moving quite along. I might be 25 weeks but I bend over and waddle around like I'm 30 weeks along. This could be a long summer.

I had a check up last week and I am measuring big so far. Typically you measure the same number in centimeters as you are weeks, so I should have measured at 24cm. Well I was 26cm. Which two centimeters doesn't seem like a lot but looking at the pictures I am most definitely bigger. Whether that means this little lady is going to be bigger or I'm just doing growing earlier we will wait and see. I have gained about 18 pounds which last time at 25 weeks I had gained 13 pounds. Yikes that is quite a bit more. Oh well I don't feel pudgy.

This little lady moves around quite a bit, more the Micah I think. There have been times she moves my tummy. And it seems she has found my bladder to be a good punching/kicking bag. Not looking forward to that as she gets bigger. A bathroom must never be too far a way. Over all I feel pretty good, just tired. So far with these two pregnancies I have been pretty blessed to have minimal symptoms. Hopefully it will stay that way.

Here is the comparison photo, left is Micah, right is the little lady.

Monday, June 18, 2012


One day I will post the event closer to the actual time that it happened. That day is not here so a few weeks ago we spent a couple days at Seaside with some family. Micah LOVED the beach/ocean. I should record the way he says ocean, it is so cute.

He enjoyed playing with his cousins as he usual does.

Micah found it a lot of fun to run from the waves. But he did not like it when he didn't get away and got his feet wet.

He even got to fly a kite.

We also got to take him on the carousel, which he was quite serious about the whole time. 

I really enjoyed spending time with Micah at the beach. It was fun to see him get so excited about experiencing something new for him. He was so curious about it all and very interested in exploring. It makes me look forward to all the new things for Micah that I get to show him and enjoy with him.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Recently we headed out to explore around the area we live. I guess it is not much exploring for The Farmer since he lived here since he was 11 but he still enjoys getting out. We drove up to the top of Bald Butte, steepest road I think I've driven on. We were definitely getting some looks from hikes on their way down.

As soon as we got out of the car Micah says "dirt!" immediately followed by "rock!", this boy loves rocks. He began to pick up and throw the ones he could and after I showed him how he could sit on larger rocks he wanted to sit on every rock that he past.

What a sweet moment between father and son.

It was fun to get out with just the three of us. I look forward to more outings like this throughout the summer.