Thursday, May 31, 2012


Micah has become quite the talker. He has reached the stage where he will repeat anything and everything. He is very eager to say new words. I can have him repeat each word after me to make a short three or four word sentence. Though there are still many times I have no idea what he is saying. Of course he does and luckily he hasn't gotten frustrated yet that I don't know. Usually I can just have him show me what he is talking about. I am glad his language and understanding is developing I think it will help a lot in four months when his sister arrives. Here are a couple videos of some of his cute words. There are so many more since I took these videos. Like now when he says bye he really emphasizes the b. When he says night it is pretty cute too, he likes to say it really loud. Maybe I need to do another video. This last one is a song we sing.The lyrics are Ho-ho-ho hosana, ha-ha-ha haleluiah, he-he-he he saved, I've got the joy of the Lord. He gets the ho-ho-ho, ha-ha-ha, and he-he-he usually really well and will also start to say the next words before I get to them. We were a little distracted by food this time. :)

Monday, May 28, 2012

The Craft Room: Rolled Flower Pillows

We have had these pillows since we got married. They are quite boring and I've wanted to replace them for awhile. But instead, I thought, why not just update them.

So I made a number of rolled flowers out of plain white muslin. They are pretty easy to make, plenty of tutorials on other people's blogs or youtube. After I made them it would have been easiest to hot glue them on to the pillows, but I wanted to have the freedom to take them off if I didn't like it, or if I wanted to change it. So I decided to sew them on instead. Now I like the look of the pillows much more.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Planting 2012


Back about two weeks ago we had a group of friends, family and hired guys help us plant the last bit of this years trees. I say bit but it was over 700 trees. We are so very appreciative of everyone that came and helped. With everyone it took about 4 hours to get them in the ground! Woohoo!! Micah had a great time being outside and getting dirty.



It took quite a lot of work to get everything ready for planting. I saw a commercial that was showing guys working out in the country and then the narrator says "out here 9 to 5 is 5 to 9", that was so try for The Farmer as he was punching all the holes, setting up string lines, mowing the grass, getting the trees soaking in kelp grow, and many other tasks so the crew could just get straight to planting.

This group of trees came from two different nurseries. One of them we are definitely not impressed with in comparison. Look at the difference between these two. With the larger one it is quite possible that we could get a crop a year earlier. We certainly won't be ordering from the other nursery again.

What really excited Micah was a fly over we got by Uncle Mike. Micah just kept saying "a-pain" (airplane) over and over. And of course he enjoyed playing in the dirt.

Totally unrelated but still cute. Micah is just like his Dad in that he does not like things too loud. So now this is what he does when he thinks something is loud.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Micah and I

Micah right now is really enjoying having someone play with him. He will come over grab your hand and pull you over to where he wants you. This evening we were sitting together first playing with this toy I made from an old puff container and pipe cleaners. Great for his fine motor development. Look at his concentration trying to get it into the holes punched in the lid.

Then we picked up this crocheted monster I made for his birthday. (no I don't make that many toys for him, who has that kind of time). He thought is was funny "clapping" the hands together.

These pictures are from a few weeks ago, but look at the my belly! There really is a baby growing, and if you could see me now you would definitely know. With another baby on the way it makes me treasure this time I get to sit and play with Micah. It has been him and me  for over a year and half and within months it will no longer be that way. I'm never good with big changes like this. I know it will be great and Micah will love having a sister. But how different it is going to be for all of us. Again I know it is going to a wonderful different and over time I will have a hard time remembering what it was like without this little lady. Before that time I will soak up these days with just Micah and me.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

20 Weeks


Half way!! Can't believe we are at that point already. Of course the most awkward and uncomfortable parts for me is still yet to come. At my doctor appointment last week things were looking as they should be, I was measuring at 19cm and I've gained about 13 pounds so far. I hadn't really felt the baby move yet. I had been feeling some things but it wasn't the type of feeling or movement I was expecting so I assumed it wasn't the baby. I was expecting to be feeling small flutters. Turns out this baby is a big mover. During the ultrasound I was seeing the baby move and realizing that those movements had actually been the baby. So I have been feeling the baby for weeks. And the biggest news is we also found out we are having a girl!!! Woohoo let the crafting begin. (Actually I just finished her first hat). After the appointment we had to go and buy a pink outfit. Isn't it cute!?!

I liked the comparison picture I put up last time so here is me at 20 weeks now and 21 weeks with Micah. I definitely am carrying differently already. I think this time I'm "sticking" out much more. Oh and the belly button is starting to pop. I have also made the transition to maternity clothes for the good and bad.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Watering Trees

 A few weeks ago we received about half the trees we were planting this year. Once they were in the ground the need to watered in. The Farmer was out doing that so Micah and I went out to say hi. Micah loves to help so he was holding the hose too.

He fell once and totally face planted. But what toddler (or boy) stops if they get mud on their face.

Of course he couldn't leave without play on the gator. This boy loves the gator and to go on rides.

Today we finished up planting all the trees for this year thanks to the work of friends, family, and a couple hired help. I'll get up pictures hopefully soon.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Looking for Elk

I  think Micah is going to grow up and be a great spotter. He is already helping us look for elk. Mind you the field they are usually in is out the window behind Micah and that it is the middle of the day but he is getting his practice in. He makes his Dad proud too when you ask him what an elk says. I think this boy will be out hunting before I know it. Right now it is funny when he looks out the scope he has it in between his eyes or on his forehead. You must start somewhere.

P.S. Please don't notice the mismatched pajamas, we had a diaper leak in the middle of the night.