Monday, April 2, 2012

Just Call Me Fafa

Micah as been calling The Farmer Papa for quite awhile. But he hasn't been calling me Mama. A few weeks ago he started saying Fafa. Since it was so similar to Papa I figured it was just him exploring more sounds and being silly. But we started to notice that he was saying it more when I would leave the room. We have now learned that Fafa is what he calls me. Haha. I mean it is great he has a name for me but Fafa. Oh my goodness funny. I know it will change to Mama once he is better able to pronounce constants. So for now I get to laugh and enjoy him calling me Fafa.

Also noticed I need to get more pictures of Micah and myself. I was trying to find a picture for this post because I have this thing of always wanting a picture to go along with a post. But there were no recent pictures of Micah and me that would work. I must get more of The Farmer and Micah too.

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