Wednesday, August 25, 2010

37 Weeks and His Room

Yea! His room is done. Everything is washed and put away, diapers in the drawer. The room is ready for him, whether I am ready is a whole different story. The bedding is great. Thanks Mom! The curtains we just added some of the fabric from the bedding to the bottom. The right hand picture that is above the changing table/dresser will have his initial above it, once his name is decided. No we don't have a name yet. We do have a few picked out but I don't think we will be able to decided until we meet him. The three pictures over the crib I painted with some help from the cricut and C. I am happy with how the room turned out. Now just waiting for the little one that will make the room perfect.

Now I am a few days over 37 weeks. At my appointment my blood pressure is still good, and I'm measuring perfect at 37 cm. In the exam room the doctor was listening to the baby's heart rate with the doppler fetal monitor at one point it dropped lower then he would like. So I was put on an electronic fetal monitor for awhile. The baby's heart rate dropped a little low one other time and the rate wasn't reacting the way the doctor wanted. Then we were set over to the hospital for a biometric ultrasound. This was to check the heart rate more, the amniotic fluid levels, placenta, umbilical cord and a few other things. The bonus for this was we got to see him again and the tech printed us out a few pictures too.

My doctor wanted us back at the hospital the next morning to monitor more. This time the baby was perfect. His heart rate was where it should be, and the rate responded well when I had a contraction. But my doctor doesn't want to dismiss the few times the baby's heart rate dipped, so I will be back at the hospital on Friday to monitor, as well as my usual appointment next week in the doctor's office and one more time next week at the office. Depending on how the baby is doing we will determine if we need to continue with the extra monitoring. Counting I haven't gone into labor yet. :) As much as I could worry about all this God has given us both a great peace. We trust that God knows what is happening, and has him protected. Plus we know our son will come when he is ready and at the exact time God planned.


  1. The room looks great and you look beautiful too!

  2. Wild will love the room you've lovingly prepared for him! And you look great! Prayers for a safe, quick, and healthy delivery, we are anxious to hear the news of his arrival. :)

  3. YAY!!!! Any day now! :)

  4. Okay, so, I LOVE baby boy's room! Adorable! And I can I say that I LOVE LOVE LOVE your top in that picture! Some maternity tops don't really look maternity-ish and you can wear them afterwards - hopefully this is one of them because it's SUPER DUPER cute! (or you'll just have to have 10 kids so you can wear it all the time, hahaha!) Hang in there are almost there! You are in the home stretch now! Let me know if you have any questions....hopefully Baby Boy decides to come on his own soon, but if you for some reason have to be induced, don't let anything out there scare you....I read so many articles claiming that most all inductions lead to c-sections....I was so scared, but I had a very successful induction :)
