Sunday, June 27, 2010

29 Weeks

At 29 weeks....

I now weigh more than I ever have, I've gained 20 pounds.

My blood pressure is still doing great, 98/60 at my appointment today.

I measure 29cm.

I feel like I have to pee all the time. Sometimes I will go, walk out to the front, sit down and feel like I have to go, again.

I am starting to understand the true meaning of back pain

The baby moves around all the time, sometimes moving my whole belly. He is most active first thing in the morning and at night.

Sometimes I can feel body parts. Usually I can't tell if it is his head or rump. One time I felt either a foot, shoulder, knee or something that was small and somewhat round.

Can pretty much only wear maternity clothes now.

I now go to the doctor every two weeks.

I can definitely tell now when he is on my bladder, occasionally hitting it and making me really feel like I have to go.

I am getting tired of having to use public restrooms but "holding it" is no longer an option.

Sleeping is starting to get more uncomfortable (think back pain).


  1. Hehehe, love this post!! Soon you will looking back at this post while you hold your little guy and this stage of your life will be a blur. I can hardly remember being pregnant! You look great by the way!!!

    Don't know if you have it or not, but we keep a blog too:

  2. You look great Meagan!

    Have you thought of chiropractic? I found a great chiropractor that specialized in maternity patients...she was wonderful for the lower back pain and tail bone pain I had 2nd trimester on. She didn't "crack" a lot of things, but stretched lots of muscles that I could never imagine ever being able to stretch. Something to check into!

    Isn't the peeing all the time thing annoying?!?!?! And it's not like when you go 2 times in a short span that the 2nd time is just a small's like you just drank another gallon!

    On another note....the previous poster, Sara....I think her mother in law is Diana....they are very good friends of my parents!

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