Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Can I Tell You Sombing?

Jane is at the age where she says the cutest things. Right now one of her cutest phrases will be when she is talking with someone. If she was talking to The Farmer she would say, "Papa, can I tell you sombing?" Then she will continue on with what she wants to say. She will say this to start on conversation with you, or sometimes in the middle of a conversation you are having with her. Either way it is so cute and sweet the way she says it.

Friday, November 27, 2015

12 months

Ethan is one!! The first year always goes so quick and that is no different with Ethan, in fact it seems to have flown by even faster. He is such a fun boy. Ethan chatters quite a bit but nothing I have been able to distinguish as "words" yet. But he is learning how to sign and can sign more and all done. Ethan enjoys interacting with people and is ready to give a smile to whoever is talking with him. He is crawling and cruising, and he will walk around the house with a push toy. He also likes to crawl around with a truck in his hand, something his brother did too. Ethan is learning how to feed himself more. There are still a variety of textures and flavors he is not fond of, so he is still eating some purees. We just had a check up and Ethan weighs 19 lbs. 2 oz., and 30 inches tall. This first year with Ethan has been amazing and so wonderful to watch him grow.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

11 Months

Ethan has reached 11 months!! The baby stage is fleeting. It really doesn't seem like Ethan should be that old. But here we are and he is so much fun. He loves to explore but still likes to be in the same room as me. He will often come and check in, meaning he will crawling to me then suck his thumb and lay is head down. After a brief moment he is off exploring again. Being a thumb sucker I get pretty good snuggles, and I love it. Some of his favorite toys are on old landline phone, a wooden crane and plastic mallet, all things that are easy to old on to as he crawls around. He hasn't developed a huge interest in reading yet, which is probably mostly my fault for not taking more time to read with him. But he does like going after books usually the ones he can't have. He is still nursing four times a day and eating breakfast, lunch and dinner. He is still primarily eating pureed food, a lot of the finger food I have given him and spits right back out. Ethan is a good boy and listens really well. He is a wonderful part of our family and we all, including his brother and sister adore him.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Jane is 3

I have been holding off on this post hoping to get more answers to these questions. But Jane does this thing when you ask her a question her answer is always "I don't know." So that is the response I got to most of these.

How old are you?....

What is you favorite color?....pink

What is your favorite toy?....

What is your favorite fruit?...blueberry

What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?....peanut butter and jelly

 What is your favorite thing to wear?....clothes

What is your favorite thing to game?...

What is your favorite animal?....cow

 What is your favorite song?....

What is your favorite book?....

 What is your favorite snack?....

What is your favorite thing to do outside?....

What is your favorite thing to drink?....

 What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?....

What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy?....

What is your favorite thing to do with Papa?....

 What is your favorite thing to do with Micah?....

What is your favorite thing to do with Ethan?....play

Who is your best friend?....

What do you like to take to bed with you at night?....

What do you want for dinner on your birthday?....mac and cheese

What do you want to do for work?....

What do you want to be when you grow up?....

Friday, September 25, 2015

10 Months

Why am I surprised every month that another month as past? But I am surprised yet again that Ethan is now 10 months old. Ethan is now crawling hands and knees all the time. He stands holding on to something, not attempts to stand on his own yet. But he is very good at getting from floor to sitting to standing and back down. Ethan still doesn't have any teeth, which is falling right in line with his siblings. We have begun some finger foods, so now meal time has become even messier. Ethan has also become more chatty especially at meal times. It is quite funny because he will be quite and then out of no where make loud noises. He will also try to talk when he hears Jane and Micah playing and talking together. He is still the most interested in independent play. He seems to go in phase where he is intensely interested in one toy, one he will carry around with him everywhere, right now that is an old phone. Comical that it isn't technically a toy. Ethan also really enjoys playing peek-a-boo it is so cute seeing him put a cloth over his face and the huge smile when he pulls to down. He is still a thumb sucker and we try to limit it to just sleeping. But him being a thumb sucker also seems to allow me more opportunities to have snuggles. Ethan will suck his thumb and lay his head on my chest and stay there for awhile, I of course let him and soak it in. Baby snuggles do not last long enough.

All the kids at 10 months

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Micah is 5

How old are you?....5

What is you favorite color?....blue

What is your favorite toy?....my new tool box

What is your favorite fruit?...grapes

What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?....pickle samwich (which is a meat and cheese sandwich)

What is your favorite thing to wear?....this shirt, these socks and these pants

What is your favorite thing to wear?...tag

What is your favorite animal?....roar with a mane, it's a papa lion

What is your favorite song?....my new CD

What is your favorite book?....the one from you and papa for my birthday

What is your favorite snack?....fruit snacks

What is your favorite thing to do outside?....baseball

What is your favorite thing to drink?....water

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?....strawberry cereal

What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy?....make a craft

What is your favorite thing to do with Papa?....help him on the tractor except I really can't get on it

What is your favorite thing to do with Jane?....play

What is your favorite thing to do with Ethan?....play with him

Who is your best friend?....Ben and Emily

What do you like to take to bed with you at night?....my vegetable

What do you want for dinner on your birthday?....mac and cheese

What do you want to do for work?....help Papa build a bed

What do you want to be when you grow up?....a photographer

Saturday, August 29, 2015

9 Months

The time with my baby is going much too fast. Nine months always seems like another big milestone to me, but I suppose every month is a milestone. Ethan is continuing to move and explore. He is much more curious and bold in is exploration and in going farther away from me. He knows how to crawl hands and knees but will still mostly army crawl, mostly out of habit I think. Ethan is also pulling himself up to standing, which means another transition keeping things out of reach and teaching him what he can and cannot touch. He weighs 17 lbs. 7 oz. (13%), and is 28.5" tall (55%), pretty typical for our babies. Also typical for our babies is how happy they are. Ethan is quick to smile and when he gets really happy and excited he starts kicking both his legs and moving his body. It is so cute, it's like he is so happy he can't contain it in. Which of course means we can't contain our smiles either. I wish I could pause time to soak in these baby days.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

8 Months

They just keep growing don't they?! Here we are another month gone by. Our sweet boy is as happy as ever. He typically cries only when he is tired, which happens suddenly. He will be fine and the he hits a wall and melt down ensues. Other than that he is always full of big gummy smiles. Ethan has also become quite a talker and a loud talker, especially during times when we are more quite like meal time or praying. His development as continued to advance as he is now able to get from floor to sitting. He is still army crawling but will get up on hands and knees and rock. I love watching him crawl toward me when he wants to be close to me. It is one of the best things! He is still so ticklish and has now started to push my hand away when I am tickling him. Ethan seems to enjoy being outside, anytime a door is open he will head that direction. We are at the point where we need to be keenly aware of what is on the ground, Ethan will put just about anything in his mouth. The particular toys he plays with the most are wooden blocks and a foam book. Both of which are in his mouth a lot, the blocks he will bang together to make noise. Anything he can make noise with is fun for him. Even though he loves to explore he still loves snuggles with me and I will take that as long as he wants. Holding my babies is one of my favorite things. How blessed we are by this boy!

All three at 8 months.

Monday, July 13, 2015


Micah's imagination amazes me and excites me. It also makes me laugh. Here are a few pictures of a few of his costumes he came up with. I only wish I would have written down what each of these were in his mind. I wonder where his imagination will take him through his life because it goes beyond dress up and into every aspect of his life.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

7 Months

Another month of growth for Ethan. This month is marked the most by his continued development of army crawling. His mobility has brought curiosity and he is much more interested in exploring than playing with toys, or at least playing with baby toys. Ethan has become a stable sitter and has figured out how to get from sitting to the floor. So much for the wonderful stage of them sitting and staying put. He is such a happy baby and despite all his spitting up. We keep the carpet cleaning close by as there are many spots to clean throughout the day. Ethan loves his siblings and they love him. He always smiles when they come near to greet him.

Ethan is still nursing four times a day, and napping twice a day. He is also eating lunch and dinner now. The foods he is eating is increasing little by little as I like to wait a few days in between each introduction of a new food. These months are sure flying by. I strive daily to take in and remember these moments with my sweet baby boy.

Since the monthly comparison seemed so enjoyable here they are again all at seven months. Last month I accidentally did Micah at seven, so it is the same picture here. I did update Ethan's 6 month post with an accurate one of Micah.

Friday, May 29, 2015

6 Months

 How has half a year gone by already!?! Nevertheless it has and Ethan has been so fun and enjoyable. I just love kissing those cheeks! He is very happy and smiles easily. He is also quite ticklish. He enjoys playing with toys and especially likes tags. Ethan is a mover, he rolls around easily and is army crawling. Though he is not a stable sitter yet. He prefers to be on his tummy and will spend most of this playing time that way.

When I'm working in the kitchen or we are at the table he is in the highchair and seems to enjoy looking around. At meals he will get quite chatty. We are feeding him lunch now, so far he has had rice cereal and oatmeal. Ethan is also a tummy sleeper and thumb sucker, the first of our kids. We just had his checkup and Ethan weighs15lbs 4.5oz (10%), he is  27.5" long (85%), and his head is 17.75" (91% our kids have big heads). His schedule typically goes like this, up at 7:30/8, nurses when he wakes up, nap around 9:30, up and nurse at 11, lunch, nap 1:00/1:30, up and nurse at 4, about 7:30 nurse and bed. We are so enjoying and loving this sweet guy.

Comparison of the kids at 6 months

Friday, April 24, 2015

We Do Have Other Kids

Micah is growing and maturing physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. He is really into pretend play. Most of the play and scenarios he comes up with are from things he has observed or been involved with, especially if it involves his dad or anything guy related. So there is lots of cars, trucks, hunting, chopping, building, and repairing happening with him. He will also do some cooking with pom poms and fort building with Jane. They are starting to play more and more together which is fun to see their relationship grow and for them to enjoy each other. Their relationship is something I pray for that it will continue to strengthen and remain through their lives. Micah is also so in love with Ethan. He will stop in the middle of whatever he is doing to say hi to him. Micah is very eager to help in anyway with Ethan. Micah will also hold his hand anytime they are near. Whether we are sitting together reading a book or they are in their carseats Micah is almost always holding his hand. Micah really enjoys reading, he will also stop in the middle of whatever he is doing if you offer to read to him and he will sit there as long as you are willing to read. As Micah is getting older he is getting to be more responsible and helpful. He is still a little boy and I love my snuggles with him.

Jane is at the age where what she says and they way she speaks are just the cutest things. Like the way she will often tilt her head and almost squint her eyes when she speaks. Or her pronunciation of words like, Efin (Ethan), Mitah (Micah), tib (crib), puzz (fuzz) and many more. Or that she calls cold cereal breakfast and if we have something else for breakfast she doesn't think she has eaten breakfast. Or how they both call a meat and cheese sandwich a "pickle samich". She will also continue to repeat what she has said until you acknowledge her. Ever time I tuck her in for nap she will tell my "my tummy hurts and my eye", to which I say "Okay, go to sleep and you will feel better." and that's it, she then goes to sleep. You will never find Jane far from her blanket (she calls it her poka ought diedent) and her baby doll Mindy. Jane is eager to help me in the kitchen and with the laundry, that will be great when she actually is helpful. She too is in love with Ethan and wants to help with  him. Jane will usually try help him feel better when he is crying. Jane is a sweet girl and we often say she can't get any cuter.

Monday, April 20, 2015

5 Months


Ethan is finally beaten the cold he has seemed to have had for a good portion of his life. But the poor baby woke up with pink eye a week ago. I feel so bad for him, hopefully soon he will get to experience life healthy. Right now it is so hard not to kiss those sweet cheeks. It doesn't seem to bother him, he is still a very happy baby. Ethan has become very good at rolling and seems to prefer to play on his tummy. He has also discovered how fun a toy his toes are especially in the mouth, always so cute. He has found tags or ribbons on toys to be fun to play with too. He is growing well, now weighing 15 pounds. He is napping three times a day, nurses five times a day and sleeps through the night. Ethan seems to enjoy his siblings as much as they enjoy him. But I still get most of his attention and I will take it!

Friday, March 20, 2015

4 Months

Clearly the months are flying and quite busy since I have only managed to post once per month. And so Ethan is now four months old. We had Ethan's check up yesterday and he weighs 14 pounds 4 ounces and is 26.25 inches long and of course being one of our kids his head measures big at 17.25 inches. He is still fighting the same cold that he came down with two months ago though he is finally showing signs of improvement. Thankfully it doesn't seem to have effected his sleeping or eating. It is fun seeing him begin to play with toys, he especially is interested in ones that he can hit to make noise. When on his back he will roll to his sides to play with his hands and a nearby toy. He can roll tummy to back and if I help hold his hips, also he will roll back to tummy. One of the best things is he is ticklish, hearing his laugh is great! Just a fun boy and though lots of care taking it is a fun season in life.

Monday, February 16, 2015

3 Months

Here we are, another month has flown by. I don't have his weight yet, but I'll update when I do. He is growing out of three month clothes. He has "found" his hands and is very entertained sucking on them. He also enjoys being on the playmat and is very successful hitting the toys over head. His head control has improved quite a lot and he does well holding his head up during tummy time. He has rolled a number of times from his tummy to back. He will coo and talk with us and it is so cute! So are his smiles which are much easier to get now. He really likes his checks and toes kissed. He is also blowing bubbles now. Though he has a pretty rough cold right now, he is pretty miserable, at least he looks miserable. Our routine is waking him up at 8/8:30 to nurse then nap at 10/10:30, nurse at 11/11:30, nap at 1/1:30, nurse 3/3:30, nap 5/5:30, nurse 6/6:30, and then asleep for the night around 8. He will then wake up around 9 to nurse and goes straight back to sleep and then usually will wake once during the night to eat, occasionally he has slept all the way until I wake him. With the other kids I would nurse them right before laying them down for the night, but for Ethan that seemed to wake him up and then he wouldn't go to sleep for sometime. Every kid is different right? It is fun seeing him grow more and seeing him enjoy his siblings. They really love him, as do all of us.

For fun, here is a comparison of the three kids at three months.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

2 Months

Ethan is growing! He now weighs 12lbs 4oz. He is pretty happy and content. He will fuss when he is uncomfortable of course and he will some nights going to sleep. Ethan seems to have similar sleep patterns as Micah did, all that really means is as a baby Micah wasn't a super sleeper and Ethan seems to be that way too. There will be some evenings he will be awake for four hours before he finally gives in and falls asleep for the night. He wakes up one to two times a night so I'm still feeling the effects of lost sleep. Ethan is getting strong and gaining more control over his head. He really enjoys being on the playmat kicking his legs and batting at the toys over him. He will track us or toys but not for very long there are some many things going on around him he gets distracted. His cute smiles are still hard to come by, we  have to really work for them. Naturally he will stop smiling as soon as a camera comes out. He is beginning to coo as well. It is so fun watching him grow and change. And it happens so quick at this age I am trying to cherish and store up memories of Ethan.