Saturday, August 29, 2015

9 Months

The time with my baby is going much too fast. Nine months always seems like another big milestone to me, but I suppose every month is a milestone. Ethan is continuing to move and explore. He is much more curious and bold in is exploration and in going farther away from me. He knows how to crawl hands and knees but will still mostly army crawl, mostly out of habit I think. Ethan is also pulling himself up to standing, which means another transition keeping things out of reach and teaching him what he can and cannot touch. He weighs 17 lbs. 7 oz. (13%), and is 28.5" tall (55%), pretty typical for our babies. Also typical for our babies is how happy they are. Ethan is quick to smile and when he gets really happy and excited he starts kicking both his legs and moving his body. It is so cute, it's like he is so happy he can't contain it in. Which of course means we can't contain our smiles either. I wish I could pause time to soak in these baby days.

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