Friday, March 20, 2015

4 Months

Clearly the months are flying and quite busy since I have only managed to post once per month. And so Ethan is now four months old. We had Ethan's check up yesterday and he weighs 14 pounds 4 ounces and is 26.25 inches long and of course being one of our kids his head measures big at 17.25 inches. He is still fighting the same cold that he came down with two months ago though he is finally showing signs of improvement. Thankfully it doesn't seem to have effected his sleeping or eating. It is fun seeing him begin to play with toys, he especially is interested in ones that he can hit to make noise. When on his back he will roll to his sides to play with his hands and a nearby toy. He can roll tummy to back and if I help hold his hips, also he will roll back to tummy. One of the best things is he is ticklish, hearing his laugh is great! Just a fun boy and though lots of care taking it is a fun season in life.

1 comment:

  1. so adorable Meagan.... would love to snuggle and give him a bunch of kisses

    Aunt Joan
