Friday, October 11, 2013

A moment with Jane

God is so kind. He gave me a sweet moment with Jane the night before she turned one, just like I had with Micah. Before bed she usually doesn't let me hold her very long, she is just wanting down to play or to be put down in bed. But this night I was able to hold her. I started out singing (secretly hoping this would calm her down so I would be able to hold her longer), then we talked that she was about to turn one. I spoke of how much joy she has brought to us, and then she stuck her finger in my mouth and started laughing, I did too. We spoke of God's love and how she can chose to follow Him and He will guide her through all her life. I told her I would try and stumble and fail, but I would attempt to point her to Him. I continued to tell her what a precious sweet girl she is (crying of course). "Tomorrow is a big day for you. Sleep well sweet girl, I love you."

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