Monday, October 21, 2013

12 Months

 My oh my, my baby is one! Life has flown by and shows no signs of slowing down. As I have said before Jane is a joy to us, and this past month has been no different. She continues to grow and develop. Our biggest milestone she reached this month is walking. We have a walker! She is getting pretty quick too.Walking around occupies most of her time and entertainment, she loves walking around the house. She especially loves "marching" around the house either following people or leading people around. I also get great laughs chasing her around.

Some of her other favorite activities are playing with stacking rings, stacking cups and blocks. Jane also finds it quite funny to stick her fingers in other peoples mouth. Micah and Jane both crack up laughing when she puts her finger in his mouth and thankfully he has learned how to be gentle. I love seeing their relationship develop. Her talking hasn't development too much. She says bye, daadaa, bah bah for me, and she will make a sort of barking noise when asked what a dog says. We have started to wean, I am dropping one feeding per week (we were at four a day). Jane still LOVES watermelon. You should see her smile the moment her eyes see a slice. On the flip side she already doesn't like vegetables. I guess it is pay back for all my picky years. Jane has four teeth now. Two on the bottom and two on the top. The top two are now all the way in yet, but they have broken through.
 I will write a whole post of this but another thing about Jane right now is her love of her blankets. There are two that are from the same soft fabric and she is attached. It is pretty cute. We were just at the doctors for a check up. Jane weighs 20lbs 3oz and is 29.5 inches tall. The grow so fast in the first year! Still can't believe it has been a year. What a blessing Jane has been to our family.

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