Friday, September 20, 2013

Micah is 3!

This past weekend we celebrated you and your third birthday. We have had a wonderful three years with you. We feel so blessed to have you and be apart of your life. We feel honored that God gave us you to guide in this life and we pray for His wisdom as we stumble through. You have grown and taught me more then I could have imagined these three years. You bring us joy everyday as we watch you grow and especially now as you say the funniest things. It is great to hear your language develop but there are a few words I will miss once you learn how to pronouce them correctly. A few of them are, bana (banana), pamma (camera), lemon juice (lemonade), pickle sandwich (meat and cheese sandwich with pickles), missuburban (our suburban), bestest (breakfast), dirtday (birthday), titar (guitar), may-cused (your shortened version of may I be excused). I love that I still get snuggles with you, I know they are fleeting so I strive to pause and soak in the moments with you in my arms. You are particularly fond of large motor activities and you have great balance. Even on your bike, you zoom around coasting and turning quickly. You also show an interest and aptitude for music. It is fun to see these sort of things emerging. It makes me wonder about your future and what God has planned for you. We pray sweet boy that you will choose to follow the Lord, that you will submit to Him and follow him with your whole life with your whole heart. Thank you for being you, I love sharing life you with!

1 comment:

  1. Micah My Man you stole my heart three years ago and you still have me wrapped around your little finger. I love playing games with you, I love reading books together, I love playing outside whenever we can, I love giggling and play catch me, I love your blue eyes and red hair, I love your bright and infectious laugh, I love snuggling with you, but most of all I just plain out and out LOVE YOU.
