Saturday, July 13, 2013

9 Months

All I can say is wow to Jane's large motor development in the last month. She has not only figured out hands and knees crawling but she is pulling herself to standing as well! Walking might be coming sooner then we think. She is still a very happy and content baby. But now that she knows how to move so well that is all she wants to do. You can't hold her for long before she is wanting down.
We have been blessed with easy babies, Jane is still a great sleeper and eater. She wakes up in the morning at 6/6:30, nap is from 8:45/9 to 10:30/11, the next nap is at 1 to 3 and bedtime is 7:15/7:30. She is eating breakfast, lunch and dinner, we are still doing baby food but have introduced cheerios and things she can gum like watermelon. She continues to be our family soprano with ear piercing screams. Also, new funny toy that she can't put down is a baby wipe. It started as a good way to distract her and keep her still during diaper changes. Now she likes to hold on it the wipe, crawl around with it and wave it around. Love these cute little things babies develop.

1 comment:

  1. too funny about the baby wipe! It's curious what babies like to hang on to - what was Micah's go-to toy? I can't remember.

    Love the pictures - she is super cute.

    Aunt Joan
