Saturday, January 12, 2013

Three Months

 Another month has gone by and Jane seems to be growing by leaps and bounds. She rolls over from tummy to back, the first time she did that was December 13th. There has been a few times that it seems she was about to roll from back to tummy. Jane has really begun to and enjoy playing with toys. She especially likes rattles and toys that make noise. We have been on a fairly predictable schedule for awhile now. I wake her up at 7:30 to nurse, goes to sleep at 9/9:30, she'll sleep to about 10:30 or 11, nurse at 11, sleep at 12:30/1:00, awake to nurse at 3:00/3:30, sleep at 5:00, nurse at 6:00, we have now been keeping her up until the next feeding which we moved up to 8:00/8:30 and then we put her to sleep once she is done, sometimes it takes a little bit to settle in to sleep but once she is out she is a sleep until the next morning. What a blessing to have a full night sleep. She is such a joy. Both she and Micah are/were happy babies. Though it is even easier to get her to smile. Just look at her and talk to her and she'll smile. Her smiles fill her whole face. She is precious little girl.
Micah wanted to get in on the pictures too. Playing his guitar of course. :)

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could hold her right now so she could smile at me - would love, love that. Give Micah a huge hug for me too!

    Aunt Joan
