Thursday, January 10, 2013

Asleep in the Car

Micah hasn't slept in the car for somewhere around a year and a half now. Earlier this week we were driving back to my parents house from Salem and he was asleep before we even made it to the freeway. The Farmer and I were blown away. We even voluntarily drove through Portland just to have him sleep longer. We even tried to get him to sleep on our way home that night. It took much longer but Micah did fall asleep. He even stayed asleep as a carried him to bed. Perhaps we have turned a corner?! Wishful thinking I'm sure, but one can hope.

1 comment:

  1. Wouldn't that be great if you could now plan your road trips around Micah going to sleep. Be sure to give him his blanket and a not-so-subtle hint that this is the time to sleep. Oh, how I LOVE Micah My Man.
