Monday, October 22, 2012

Jane Elizabeth

It has been over a week now since our little girl arrived and we have been greatly enjoying her. I certainly did not expect her to be nine days late. At one point I even thought she was going to come early.

The evening before she was born my contractions were starting to get stronger. They continued to be strong the next morning, but they were not regular at all. The day started as it usually does and I had no feelings that it was going to be "the day". After lunch and getting Micah down for nap I was taking care of things around our room and some contractions started to get much stronger. After a couple had come just as strong and somewhat close together I decide to start keeping track of the time. This was around 2:30, about 3:15 I called The Farmer to tell him I thought it was time. He came in and helped pull together the last few things to take to the hospital. At this point I was not paying attention to how close the contractions were. Later The Farmer told me they just kept getting closer and closer and were about three minutes apart when we left.

Once arriving at the hospital The Farmer thought it would be a good idea to walk a bit since I had been sitting in the car for about a half hour. We didn't want to things to slow down from the drive. Well we didn't make it far, I had a couple strong contractions and mentioned feeling lots of pressure. So The Farmer turned us around and checked us in at 4:47pm. The nurse checked me at 5:48 and I was at 6.5cm. At 5:49 my water broke and things really got going at this point. Just a few minutes later I was pushing and at 6:16pm on October 10th we welcomed Jane Elizabeth into this world. I had been praying for a shorter labor (Micah was 26 hours), I was not expecting it to be as short as it was, but I'm quite happy that it was. 

Jane has been great and we are loving having her apart of our family. Since this post is already long I will save the story about Micah meeting her for another day. 

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