Friday, October 5, 2012

40 and a Half Weeks


Well we have made it past 40 weeks now, and that half a week certainly impacts me. Overall I am doing good but I definitely have those times of being very uncomfortable. My activity level is lower, it is hard and uncomfortable (sometime painful) to move around. I am looking forward to having energy back and the ability to move easier.

Yesterday I had a doctors appointment and I'm still doing good. I have gained a bit more weight and my blood pressure it still great (thanks to some great genes). I measured at 42cm because the baby is up a bit higher and not dropped down as low in the pelvis like she usually would at this point. That is neither a good or bad thing, I think she has been moving up and down some all along. I am 3cm dilated and 50% effaced, last week I was 2cm and also 50% effaced. So some progress but not much. I will be going into the hospital on Monday for monitoring to make sure everything looks good to continue to wait. The Farmer and I are not big proponents of inducing so we would rather wait for when I go into labor on my own. There does come a point when we would need to be concerned about the health of the placenta. But I am praying we will be having a baby soon and we won't even need to go to the hospital on Monday. We totally trust God's timing and are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our little girl.

As usual here is the comparison.

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