Friday, August 31, 2012

Cute Words

With Micah learning to talk there are times I have no idea what he is saying. But there are also a lot of words that just make me smile the way he says them. One favorite is outside, he says it more like "owtide".

Another cute one is sing (I sing to him before nap and bedtime) he will point to my mouth and say "Mama ting" and just keeps saying over and over. Though we are just entering into this phase of learning to talk these cute words are already starting to fade away. The other day he correctly said sing, it made me stop for a moment, I was happy he said it correct yet sad to think that "ting" might no longer be apart of his vocabulary. But then he said it again "Mama ting", and in away I breathed a sigh of relief.

A third word that is really cute is the way he says his name. Better then describing how he says it here is a video of him saying it.
8-4 Micah8 from Meagan Rice on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. It is sad to see their baby words disappear! But so great that you've written them down and have video to remember them by.
